Where is our produce from?

We rotate through local vendors, based on seasonality of the produce, availability and freshness. Some vendors we use year round are Hepworth Farms, Cypress Groves, Esposito Meat Market and HoneyBound Meadery. During the months of April - October, we love to shop at the Union Square Farmer’s Market with Eckerton Hill Farm, Furnace Creek Farm, Hudson Valley Organic, S&SO Farm, Central Valley Farms, Oak Grove & Quattros Farm. If you have any specific questions about our items, let us know! If you are a brand that would like to collaborate, please send an email to kennawesolka@gmail.com.

Can we accommodate special allergies and preferences?

Absolutely! We will accommodate all special allergies and preference requests to the best of our ability. Please note that due to the nature of the ingredients used in our kitchen, it is not a completely nut-free environment. Please contact us directly or add a note to your order with any specific instructions.

How far in advance do orders need to be placed?

We request a minimum of 2 days notice for our picnic boxes and standard boards. For a custom board or grazing table, please ensure at least 1 weeks notice to guarantee we will be able to source the ingredients needed.

What happens if I need to change or cancel an order?

We are unable to accommodate cancellations less than 48 hours from the scheduled delivery of the board. Due to the perishability of ingredients, we are unable to refund once the products have been sourced.

What are the boards made of?

Hand crafted in Jasper, Georgia, our beautiful boards are made of Mahogany, Cherry Wood, Walnut and Maple. They have each been double coated in 100% Food-Safe and VOC-free wood finish.

How should the boards be treated?

Every 3-5 times the board is used and hand-washed, we recommend reapplying a food safe wood finish to preserve the wood. I highly recommend Walrus Cutting Board Oil for this!